TARA CHAIN was created to lower
the entry barrier to
blockchain technology

created to lower
the entry barrier to
blockchain technology

Based on the TARA CHAIN network, anyone can freely create a
blockchain project and even build a new network.
Based on the TARA CHAIN network,
anyone can freely create a blockchain
project and even build a new network.


Anyone can freely create a blockchain project
and even build a new network
Anyone can freely create a
blockchain project
and even build a new
A new ecosystem is created within the ecosystem called TARA CHAIN, and it organically interconnects and expands. A new ecosystem is created within the
ecosystem called TARA CHAIN, and it
organically interconnects and expands.
  • EVM Compatible

    Seamless integration of all
    current standards, including
    tokens, NFTs and defi smart
  • Fast Transactions

    Lightning-gas transaction
    speeds, ensuring quick and
    efficient processing of
    transactions for defi, games
  • Low Gas Fees

    Experience nearly negligible
    gas fees, making transactions
    cost-effective and accessible to
    all users.
  • Purposefully Built for

    TARA Chain is purposefully
    built with tech to bring global
    entertainment franchises on-chain.
  • Carbon Neutral Network

    TARA CHAIN is leading the way
    towards a more responsible
    and sustainable blockchain
  • Plug and Play Toolkit

    Provides brands and creators with no-code tools to quickly ramp up tokens, storefronts and other applications.
  • Next-Gen AI DRM Control

    TARA CHAIN is equipped with various DRM to prevent counterfeit asset transactions and protect users and brands.


TARA CHAIN through numbers TARA CHAIN through
  • Maximum Supply


  • Circulating Supply









TARA CHAIN is a service-oriented blockchain service TARA CHAIN is a service-
oriented blockchain
Tarachain is structured so that participants can contribute in various ways and receive compensation for it.


  • 라온포렉스 이미지

    RAON Forex RAON Forex is a global decentralized exchange on the TARA CHAIN mainnet. Raon Forex uses AMM (Automatic Market Maker), and the exchange supports a total of four functions: swap, liquidity pool
    deposit, staking, and drop. When a project collaborating with TARA CHAIN is newly launched, we provide a priority listing service through screening.

  • 땡땡페이 이미지

    Dot PAY Dot PAY is a simple payment pay service based on the TARA CHAIN mainnet. It is designed to not only provide basic pay services but
    also use TARA CHAIN'S expanded functions such as NFT member
    authentication by installing TARA CHAIN Wallet. Users can use not only the convenience of simple payment services, but also
    additional functions of blockchain such as NFT membership, NFT
    pass, and DID identity verification all at once.

NFT & NFT Marketplace

  • 타라NFT 이미지

    TARA NFT This is an ‘NFT Marketplace’ service that displays and distributes
    digital works issued as NFTs based on Tarachain. In TARA NFT, users can freely create NFTs, mint them, and freely buy and sell NFTs with other users. Additionally, because it has a platform structure, it can be used as a marketplace for your own projects.

  • 타라스타디움 이미지

    TARA Stadium TARA Stadium is a TARA CHAIN-based ‘digital sports card’ project
    platform. In each field, we create projects that allow athletes to
    make profits using their name, image, and likeness (NIL), and It is a project platform that supports creating and minting NFTs with not only simple images but also plays of popular stars or great scenes.

  • 페타nft 이미지

    Peta NFT ‘Peta NFT’ is the starting point of TARA CHAIN’s largest project. This project, which extends from Peta NFT to Metaverse, will provide users with new experiences and emotions they have never experienced before.


  • tarae 이미지

    TARAE TARAE is a TARA CHAIN-based NFT SNS service. It has a two-way
    sharing function through individual users' profiles, creative content, etc. Registered creative content is created as NFT and can be freely bought and sold.

  • ANA 이미지

    ANA ANA (Art NFT Authentication) is a service that is based on TARA CHAIN and linked to NFC to authenticate the authenticity of an art work and to verify authenticity and matching of the appraisal certificate by linking it with the appraisal certificate.


  • 페타버스

    Petaverse Petaverse is a metaverse project run by TARA CHAIN. The Petaverse project, which follows Peta NFT, will provide users with new
    experiences and emotions they have never experienced before.


  • 타라월렛 이미지

    TARA Wallet TARA CHAIN-based digital asset wallet ‘TARA Wallet’ is a wallet service optimized for TARA CHAIN. You can use various services more easily and safely, such as storage, transfer, and management of TARA CHAIN-based tokens. ‘TARA Wallet’ users can not only collect and trade NFTs at TARA NFT, but also link and use their wallets with various DeFi DApps.


  • 타라스캔 이미지

    TARA Scan TARA Scan is a block explorer for the TARA CHAIN network that
    provides users with network status monitoring functions,
    transaction data, and various statistics. It provides similar functions to Ethereum's Etherscan, so experienced users can easily check the on-chain records of TARA and TARA CHAIN tokens.

The TARA Chain is both a tree and a forest

The TARA Chain is both
a tree and a forest

Join us and become a gardener who turns a tree into a forest. Join us and become a gardener
who turns a tree into a forest.

Collaborate with us,
make suggestions and get support